About Us

Dev3 is a leading hacker community with over 60M developers' data, driving technological changes in various industries through hackathons and Web3 development.
Dev3 aims to help project teams match suitable developers through AI+Web 3.0 technology. At the same time, it provides a series of certification services to help developers establish their own complete Developer DID

6M Developer Portraits

Based on the analysis of 6 million+ Github developer portraits, a rich developer portrait database is formed

AI Matching

Use AI to intelligently match suitable developers and project parties

Developer Events and Tools

Online and offline Hackthon
Rich Bounty tools

Accurate Recruitment

Accurate recruitment service based on developer portrait and AI intelligent matching

Our Service


Dev3 provides a wealth of online and offline Hackathon activities, and based on developer portraits, provides personalized recommendations for Hackathon activities, matches suitable developers, and helps developers find more opportunities to demonstrate their skills and abilities


Dev3 provides a wealth of Bounty tools, allowing project parties to release tasks at any time; Dev3-based developer portrait service, matching suitable and suitable developers, and providing specific information and rules, as well as communication and collaboration tools between developers and employers


Based on Dev3's database of 6 million+ developer portraits and intelligent calculation services, Dev3 can match recruiters with more suitable developers, and provide multi-channel access services and communication tools to facilitate the communication between recruiters and developers

Developer DID

Dev3 provides a complete developer DID certification service, including educational background, professional experience, development experience, other POAP participation experience, etc., to help developers resume the most complete Developer DID profile

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